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Investor Relations…to 30 June 2013 Financial Statements Financial Statements to 30 June 2018 Financial Statements to 31 December 2017 Financial Statements to 30 June 2017 Financial Statements to 31 December 2016 Financial Statements to 30 June 2016 …
Site Search Vs. Replatforming: FitCommerce White Paper to Make Replatforming Better with Site Search Replatforming your online store can create big sales upside for you. And today, big financial gains are a must. But you need to justify your investment of time and dollars. Plus, you need to mitigate the customer experience…
Who We Are: Newsroom…logos. Investor Relations Learn how you can benefit by investing in an industry leader. Listed on the New Zealand Stock Exchange in 2013, SLI Systems gives you the opportunity to aid our expansion as you meet your financial goals in a mutually beneficial…
Board of Directors…Chris leads SLI with the vision and experience to inspire management teams, achieve market leadership, scale global growth and deliver outstanding financial performance. Prior to SLI Systems, Chris’ leadership experience spans technology businesses ranging from pre…
SLI Systems’ First Half Annualized Recurring Revenue (ARR*) Meets Forecast…Systems ( today reported financial results in line with forecasts and continued success in recruiting some of the world’s largest e- commerce providers as customers. Group annualized recurring revenue (ARR) – the group’s key financial…
SLI Systems Meets IPO Forecasts; Cash Reserves Strong…and given this, SLI has a continued focus on hiring marketing and sales staff in the U.S. office. SLI opened a new office in Japan in the 2014 financial year, the second largest e-commerce market in the world. Dedicated site search providers are under-represented…
Our Team…Chris leads SLI with the vision and experience to inspire management teams, achieve market leadership, scale global growth and deliver outstanding financial performance. Prior to SLI Systems, Chris’ leadership experience spans technology businesses ranging from pre…
SLI Systems Poised for Continued Growth in Rapidly Expanding E-Commerce Industry…at its Annual Shareholder Meeting in Christchurch, SLI Chairman Greg Cross said: “The company is pleased with the progress made during the 2014 financial year, our first full year as a publicly-listed company. We spent less capital than planned from our May 2013…
SLI Systems Reports Strong FY 2014 Revenue Growth; Demand Remains Robust…to our forecast, due to a deferral of planned expenditure on marketing and sales headcount hires. “We continue to look forward to the 2015 financial year with confidence in our ability to take advantage of the operating resources we have built during the year and…
SLI Systems Launches IPO; Forecasts Strong Growth…the Financial Markets Authority has not extended the “Consideration Period” under the Securities Act 1978. None of the persons named (nor any other person) guarantees the Offer or the shares. Potential investors should read the Offer Documents carefully, and…
SLI Systems Celebrates 45% Growth in UK E-Commerce Industry…in the UK e-commerce industry and reveal how SLI’s market-leading, site-search technology accelerates sales on internet retailers’ sites. Beyond financial and employee growth, SLI augmented its product portfolio with two new offerings in 2014: SLI Learning…
E-commerce Performance Indicators & Confidence (EPIC) Report Finds 91% of Retailers Expect Online Revenue Growth this Year with Increased Focus on Personalization, Mobile and Customer Experience…plans for personalization efforts. Mobile Remains Integral to E-commerce Success • 91% of those surveyed maintained (50%) their 2017 mobile financial commitment or increased (41%) their monetary investment for 2018. • 80% anticipate revenue from Mobile Sites and…
Legal…Some of the information on this Web Site may contain projections or other forward-looking statements regarding future events or the future financial performance of the Company. We wish to caution you that these statements are only predictions and that actual events…
SLI Connect Events Worldwide Draw Hundreds of Leading Retail Brands To Discuss the Future of E-Commerce… Facebook – LinkedIn – SLI Systems Contact: Rod Garrett Chief Financial Officer SLI Systems +64 3 961-3261 Media Contact: Richard Inder Director, The Project …
SLI Systems Grows Operating Revenue for First Half 30% Year-on-Year…New Zealand – February 26, 2016 – SLI Systems (SLI.NZ) today announced that it has extended its growth track record for the first half of its financial year and has remained cashflow neutral over the six month period. The company’s operating revenue for the six…