Corporate Site
SLI Systems Signals IPO and NZX-Listing to Accelerate Growth…SLI Chief Executive and Co-Founder Shaun Ryan said: “We are considering raising $15 million additional capital to accelerate SLI’s growth. The net proceeds of the proposed offer would be used to recruit additional sales and marketing staff, expand into new markets…
SLI Systems’ First Half Annualized Recurring Revenue (ARR*) Meets Forecast…line with forecasts • Growth in large customers underpins ARR growth • Customer retention rate of 91% in line with forecasts • Operating revenues, net losses and cash balances in line with or favorable to forecasts • Launch of new Learning Recommendations service…
SLI Systems Meets IPO Forecasts; Cash Reserves Strong…line with IPO forecast at $22.1 million2 ARR of $24.9 million at 96.3% of forecast Customer Retention Rate (CRR) at 90% in line with forecast of 91% Net loss before tax $1.2 million favourable to forecast Cash balance of $11.4 million supports continued execution…
Facebook Announces IPO! Learn How Retailers Are Cashing In On Facebook’s Success web was buzzing last week with news of the Facebook IPO. Much of the news seemed to focus around Mark Zuckerberg’s net worth and the new crop of millionaires that will be made out of Facebook employees. Silicon Valley exotic car dealers and real estate agents…
eCommerce Podcasts
Jamin Arvig from this episode of the Ecommerce Podcast host Shaun Ryan, CEO of SLI Systems, interviews Jamin Arvig, president and founder of a provider of residential and commercial water filtration products. Jamin discusses the benefits of not only selling water filter…
Jamin Arvig from - Podcast Transcript…than somewhere else. Jamin: [4:39] Sure. We sell water filters, of course online. We're the prominent website that sells water filters on the net. We try to make it very easy for customers. We've found that this is one of the struggles with buying water filters is…
Grant Arnott from Power Retail - Podcast Transcript…the range and for the customer experience they could get from buying from an overseas retailer from say a Ned Porter or a Macy's or a Strawberry Net and found it was superior to the local offerings. What that drove is a lot of alarm bells ringing in the local…