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Contact SLI Us Contact us USA (408) 777-6010 Japan 03-5715-8052 UK +44 (0) 203 217 0321 Australia 1800 139 190 New Zealand 03 5208 029 #mktoForm_2172.mktoForm, #mktoForm_2172.mktoForm .mktoField, #mktoForm_2172.mktoForm .mktoFieldWrap, #mktoForm_2172…
Does Your Site Deliver as Many Sales as Possible, or Are You Leaving Money on the Table? (Pt. 1)…team, I’ve had lots of interactions with online retailers and have seen many instances of companies not doing all they can to turn online visits into sales. Simple things like not utilizing empty space on a web page or offering easily viewed company contact…
Innovative use of social media recently posted an interview with Braden Hoeppneer from Coastal Contacts. One of the coolest things I found out from Braden is way they’re using social media to sell glasses (a relatively new product line for them). They have a virtual mirror application that lets…
eCommerce Podcasts
Braden Hoeppner from Coastal Contacts Ryan, CEO of SLI Systems talks to Braden Hoeppner from Coastal Contacts ( Coastal Contacts is an online retailer of contact lenses and eyewear that operates web storefronts in the U.S., Canada and Japan. Shaun and Braden…
Braden Hoeppner from Coastal Contacts - Podcast Transcript…Coastal Contacts. Most people have probably heard of you guys, but can you give us a quick summary of what you do? Braden: [4:37] Yeah. Coastal Contacts, we're the leading online optical retailer, globally. Out of our Vancouver office, we run nine…
Chad Coleman from U.S. Toy - Podcast Transcript…the Ecommerce Podcast. Today I'm talking to Chad Coleman, Internet Marketing Manager for U.S. Toy. Welcome, Chad. Chad Coleman: [0:14] Thank you so much. Shaun: [0:15] So Chad, traditional question to get us started. What was the first thing you ever…